Sunday 3 March 2013

Step 4

craft, balance,  smoothy 

movement, combine, geometric

contrast, minimize, shiny

Step 2

A. This design is a table lamp which comes from the idea of hills hoist in most Australian families that designed and made by myself. It uses some principles and elements such as balance, contrast and focal point. The main materials used in this design are polypropylene, balsa wood, paper and linen. Papers represent clothes.  

B. Australian Parliament House lies on the centre of Canberra. An interesting thing I found is that the streets and avenues around the parliament house are always named by the cities in Australia. For example, Canberra Avenue, Sydney Ave, Brisbane  Ave, Perth Ave, Adelaide Ave and Melbourne Ave. And these ways all go to the House which might be one reason why it is called "the Meeting Place". The construction is designed by the Italian architect Giurgola. The height of the building is 107 meters while the floor area is 250, 000 square meters. It contains 4,700 rooms and many areas are open to the public. Every year, around one million visitors from Australia and overseas come here. the design of the site is in the shape of two boomerangs enclosed within a circle. The building required 300,000 cubic meters of concrete, enough to build 25 Sydney Opera Houses and has a design life of at least 200 years. It totally cost 1.1 billion Australian dollars to build this Parliament House. It has 2,416 clocks in the whole building that are used for calling members or senators to a vote. On a non-sitting day there could be 2,000 to 3,000 people working there.



C. This is a Jacaranda tree lies in a corner in the University of New South Wales. When I firstly came to UNSW I saw this tree. It was the lovely color of the flower that attract me most. I found out that Pretoria, the capital city of South Africa is known as the Jacaranda City as there are a large amount of Jacaranda trees which all blossom in Spring and turn the city blue.